What is a lethal overdose of strong painkillers? - strong painkillers pleurisy
No cases of overdose exact "strong painkillers, which I assume means narcotic opiates such as morphine, oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, methadone and pethidine.
Take, for example, morphine. Opioids in previously untreated patients (those who can little or) no tolerance to opioids by a very small quantity of drugs. However, there are people who have extreme health problems of 1000 mg of morphine per day, a dose that could kill ten people without a tolerance. And, as with alcohol, some people are born with a low tolerance and high tolerance.
Almost no drug has a lethal dose specific and many have a large variability.
It depends on when the Tylenol in it. If you do, you should have a daily up to 8 grams of paracetamol. More than that, and you kill the liver.
depends on the tolerance that someone familiar with an oxygen-40 and OD'ed and someone who can do two 80, and be good, for he is like a drug addict from knowing
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